Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How to crossing border (2) ข้ามแดนไทย - ลาว

Hanbook crossing border from Thailand to Laos(2)

Route III Ubonrajadhani - Pakse
Document need for crossing border from Ubonrajadhani to Pakse in Laos are Passport, Border pass or Temporary Border Pass issue by Ubonrajadhani city hall, Rule and regulation are.
1. Document to cross border

* Passport and 20 baht border crossing ticket
* Temporary Border pass or 80 baht temporary border crossing ticket for Thai.

2. Issueing border pass can be done at Ubonrajadhani city hall every day(no holiday) from 08.30-16.30 hr.
3. Document and evidence for applying border pass

* 3 photo, size 2 inch with polite dress and without sun glasses.
* ID copy or certified copy of other document issue by city hall.
* Thai nationality aged 12-15 years can use bouse registration or birth certificate in stead of border pass, approved by Parents and traveling should be oversess by parents.

4. Process of appling border pass or temporary border pass
Fill 1 form and hand to Nongkhai city hall officer and 10 baht payment. (This border pass valid for 3 days 2 nights).

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